Olive Podcast
Olive Podcast
The ABC of Cryptocurrency

The ABC of Cryptocurrency

In this episode of Olive Podcast, we discuss the concept and application of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. Visit our website Olivepodcast.com and subscribe to our newsletter so you won’t miss anything!

The inspiration for Olive Podcast and the volunteer work we do on the side came from our childhood and the fact that we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to learn English at an early age. That changed our lives in ways that at the time we could not understand.
Now, we are hoping to pay our dues back to the community by inspiring young and the young at heart to dip their toes in the pool of language learning and help them improve their lives and that of future generations. Aside from our podcasts, Olive Podcast and Politically Virgin, we occasionally travel to less developed areas and try to inspire children to pursue language learning. We believe that in today's world, basic knowledge of the English language is essential for every world citizen.

Olive Podcast
Olive Podcast
Olive Podcast helps you to learn English the fun way! We find challenging topics and discuss them in a relatable way. The ideas we discuss can help you tackle the different sections of the IELTS and TOEFL tests. Visit Olivepodcast.com to find out more.